Search for tag: "coe"

CE4031/CZ4031 - Database System Principles

Assoc Prof Sourav Saha Bhowmick of School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) at the College of Science (CoS) concludes the course on Database System Principles through a TEL lesson recorded…

From  CITS Lu Su Xin 1 likes 42 plays 0  

MA1001 – Dynamics

Assoc Prof Yap Fook Fah from School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) solves a question using the Glass Board during lecture recording. This method of video recording allows for…

From  CITS Lu Su Xin 1 likes 14 plays 0  

MS3014 - Analysis of Materials

Prof Chen Xiaodong of School of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) uses an engaging animation and voiceover to present an course overview of Analysis of Materials (MS3014) and illustrate how…

From  CITS Lu Su Xin 0 likes 9 plays 0  

CH1105 – Materials Science

Assoc Prof Timothy Tan from the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (SCBE) uses a Green Screen for his lecture recording on the Fundamentals of Materials Science. This video excerpt…

From  CITS Lu Su Xin 0 likes 8 plays 1  

EE3014 - Digital Signal Processing

Assoc Prof Andy Khong from School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) provides an overview on EE3014 and how the processing of acquired signals with sensors has impacted our daily lives.…

From  CITS Lu Su Xin 0 likes 18 plays 0  

TEL @ NTU with Prof Terry

Asst Prof Terry W.J. Steele from School of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) shares how Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) @ NTU has helped to boost student engagement and generate more…

From  CITS Lu Su Xin 0 likes 10 plays 0